Saturday, November 15, 2008

Unemployment in Indonesia

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Since 1997 until 2003, open unemployment in Indonesia continues to rise, from 4.18 million to be 11.35 million. Dominated by the unemployed youth, "said Tjepy Aloewie, Secretary General of the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration (Depnakertrans), in Jakarta, Wednesday (5 / 5).

In addition to the youth, unemployment also includes many less educated, lived in the islands of Java and located in urban areas. "The intensity of the problem also occurs more frequently in women and the educated unemployed," said Tjepy.

According to Tjepy, unemployment and a half of unemployment is a problem in the estuary that can not be resolved on that point alone, but must also be handled from upstream. "Upstream sector in a lot of impact on unemployment and unemployment is half the sectors of residence, education and the economy," said Tjepy.

There are three assumptions that hopes to reduce unemployment and a half of unemployment. First, the growth of labor average annually can be pressed from 2.0 percent in the period 2000-2005 to 1.7 percent in the period 2005-2009. Similarly the growth of labor, can be pressed into 1.9 percent in the period 2005-2009 from the previous period reaching 2.4 percent. Second, can increase the economic growth to be 6.0 percent in the period 2005-2009 from the previous period reaching only 4.1 percent. Third, the transformation of the informal sector into the formal sector can be accelerated in both urban and rural areas, particularly in agriculture, trade, services and industry.

Source : tempointeraktif

1 Comment:

tohircicomre said...

visit the night porter blessings ...
early dayS of viSitS with the Smile ...